Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Backlash/In Rainbows Review/QOTSA Live

Apparently my first blog entry is already stirring up trouble - witness this post from a blog called RIUSAB. I'll admit that I didn't have have RIUSAB in mind with my specific criticisms of the general response to/turning on Go! Team. That said, RIUSAB certainly provides a perfect example of the trend I started this blog to combat: mindless, relativistic/nihilistic nonsense masquerading as humor or intellect or - even worse - actual commentary/criticism. The entire entry (and virtually every other entry) manages to go on at length while saying absolutely nothing.

In happier news, I have two pieces of writing from yours truly, both up for your reading pleasure on the Internets (on the 'local' paper's site).

First, my review of In Rainbows. I can't decide whether I was too kind or too cruel. It's still strange to listen to a Radiohead album that's so unambitious by their standards...yet still ambitious as hell by most. Much like Hail to the Thief, Rainbows is going to take years to evaluate. Right there, though, you know it's not in the same class as Kid A - an instant revelation, at least for me. I've already tried listening to Rainbows and Kid A back to back

A bit later on, I got all gonzo on a recent Queens of the Stone Age/Black Angels show. It's a goofy piece of writing, I know - I mostly wanted to have a little fun and send a mangled tribute Hunter T's way. More on the actual music: I thought the Angels were superb. They weren't perfect, but I'm not sure their sound really calls for perfection. They made beautiful noise for 45 minutes without letting up, and even seemed to win the (initially skeptical) crowd over. It'll be interesting to see how their studio follow-up turns out - I'd be relatively satisfied with more of the same, but we can always hope for forward progress.

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